(data as of June 2002)
Nominal Genus-Level Taxa
(Allorossia) Grimpe, 1922:43
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Rossia Owen, 1834 [fide Nesis (1987a:122)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Rossia glaucopsis Loven, 1845 by original designation
(Austrorossia) Berry, 1918:252
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Nesis (1987a:122)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Rossia (Austrorossia) australis Berry, 1918 by original designation
Epitychusa Gistel, 1848:?
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Proposed as new name for Rossia Owen; = Rossia Owen, 1834 [fide Nesis (1987a:122)]
Euprymna Steenstrup, 1887a:66
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Norman and Lu (1997:1109)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Inioteuthis morsei Verrill, 1881 by subsequent designation of Hoyle (1910b:409)]
(Eusepiola) Grimpe, 1922:42
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola intermedia Naef, 1912; species first mentioned
Fidenas Gray, 1849:95
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepiola Leach, 1817 [fide Hoyle (1910b)]; Euprymna Steenstrup, 1887 [fide Nesis (1987a:120)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Fidenas penares Gray, 1849 by monotypy
(Franklinia) Norman, 1890:470
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Franklinia preoccupied in Aves [fide Hoyle (1910b:409)]; = Rossia Owen, 1834 [fide Hoyle (1910b:409)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Rossia (Franklinia) glaucopsis Loven, 1845 by subsequent designation of Hoyle (1910b:409)
(Hemisepiola) Grimpe, 1922:43
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola pfefferi Grimpe, 1921; species first mentioned
(Heterosepiola) Grimpe, 1922:42
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola atlantica D'Orbigny, 1839-1842 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848; species first mentioned
(Heteroteuthis) Gray, 1849:90
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Naef (1923:595)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola dispar Ruppell, 1844 by monotypy
Inioteuthis Verrill, 1881 In 1880-1881:417
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Voss (1963b:59)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola japonica Tiselius, 1845 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848; species first mentioned [as Inioteuthisjaponica]
Iridoteuthis Naef, 1912b:247
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Nesis (1987a:123)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Stoloteuthis iris Berry, 1909 by monotypy
Naefiola Levy, 1912b:90
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Replacement name for Sepidium Levy, 1912a; = Sepietta Naef, 1912b [fide Unresolved]
Nectoteuthis Verrill, 1883a:108
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Hoyle (1910b:411)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Nectoteuthis pourtalesii Verrill, 1881 by monotypy
Neorossia Boletzky, 1971:968
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Nesis (1987a:122)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Rossia caroli Joubin, 1902 by original designation
Rondeletia Naef, 1916a:2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Preoccupied as fish name [see Rondeletiola Naef, 1921]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepietta minor Naef, 1912 by monotypy
Rondeletiola Naef, 1921a:541
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Replacement name for Rondeletia Naef, 1921; = Valid genus [fide Nesis (1987a:120)]
Rossia Owen, 1834:xcii
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Nesis (1987a:122)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Rossia palpebrossa Owen, 1834 by monotypy
Semirossia Steenstrup, 1887b:90
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Nesis (1987a:122)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Heteroteuthis tenera Verrill, 1880 by subsequent designation of Hoyle (1910b:412)
Sepidium Levy, 1912a:LVIII
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Preoccupied in Insecta [see Naefiola Levy, 1912]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola owenianum D'Orbigny, [1839-41] in Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848 by monotypy
Sepietta Naef, 1912b:248
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Nesis (1987a:127)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola oweniana D'Orbigny, 1839-1841 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848 by original designation
Sepiola Leach, 1817b:137
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Hoyle (1910b:412)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola rondeletii Leach, 1834 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848 [see Hoyle (1910b:412)]
Sepiola Schneider, 1784:116
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- "Never published"; rejected generic name [fide Opinion 233, ICZN (1954:277)] [See Octopodia sepiola Schneider, 1784]
Sepiolina Naef, 1912b:248
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [Nesis (1987a:122)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Stoloteuthis nipponensis Berry, 1911 by monotypy
Stephanoteuthis Berry, 1909:408
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid subgenus; Heteroteuthis (Stephanoteuthis) [fide Nesis (1987a:123)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Stephanoteuthis hawaiiensis Berry, 1909 by original designation
Stoloteuthis Verrill, 1881 In 1880-1881:417
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Hoyle (1910b:413)]
TYPE SPECIES. -- Sepiola leucoptera Verrill, 1878 by original designation
Nominal Species-Level Taxa (As Introduced Binomial)
Sepiola affinis Naef, 1912e:81, fig 2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; SZN? Syntypes (14)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Naples and Cancalle (southern France)
Euprymna albatrossae Voss, 1962a:171
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Voss (1963b)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 575331 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:3)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Cubagao Anchorage, Catanduanes Island, off southeastern Luzon, Philippine Islands
Rossia (Austrorossia) antillensis Voss, 1955:86, fig 1a-e
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Austrorossia antillensis [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MCZ Holotype 203976
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Sagua la Grande, Cuba
Sepiola atlantica D'Orbigny, 1839-1842
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:235, Sepiole pl 4
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); taxon dated from plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Norman (2000:112)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Syntype 2-1-1209 [fide Lu et al. (1995:311)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- English Channel [fide Lu et al. (1995:311)]
Heteroteuthis (Stephanoteuthis) atlantis Voss, 1955:93, fig 3a-f
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Heteroteuthis dispar (Ruppell, 1844) [fide Nesis (1982:136)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MCZ Holotype 155019
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Puerto Tanamo, Cuba
Sepiola aurantiaca Jatta, 1896:130, pls 5, 14
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; SZN?
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean
Rossia (Austrorossia) australis Berry, 1918:253, text-figs 43-47, pls 69-70
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Austrorossia australis [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- AMS Holotype C148246 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:12)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Great Australian Bight
Euprymna berryi Sasaki, 1929:143, text-fig 88, pl 15 figs 12-13
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Okutani and Horita (1987:91)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes [fide Taki and Igarashi (1967:1)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Various localities from Japan
Rossia bipapillata Sasaki, 1920:190, pl 25 fig 3
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Austrorossia bipapillata [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 332830 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:5)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Suruga Bay, Japan (3503'10"N, 13847'E)
Sepiola birostrata Sasaki, 1918:235
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Kubodera (2000a:1055)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MSUT Type; specimen not extant [fide Unresolved]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Toyama Bay, Japan [fide Sasaki (1929:140)]
Rossia borealis Sasaki, 1913:400
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Rossia pacifica Berry, 1911 [fide Sasaki (1929:154)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MSUT? Syntypes [fide Sasaki (1914:599)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Hakodate, Japan [fide Sasaki (1929:157)]
Rossia brachyura Verrill, 1883a:110, pl 3 fig 2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:123)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MCZ? Holotype
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off St. Kitts [1717'42"N, 6246'43"W]
Rossia (Allorossia) bullisi Voss, 1956:101, fig 2a-d
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Rossia (Rossia) bullisi [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 575115 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:5)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 2751'N, 9132'W, Gulf of Mexico
Sepiola bursa Pfeffer, 1884:6, fig 6
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Euprymna morsei (Verrill, 1881 In 1880-1881) [fide Joubin (1902c:97)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Syntypes (2) RK-1384 and RK-1393 [fide Norman and Lu (1997:1137)]
Inioteuthis capensis Voss, 1962d:255, fig 1a-e
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nateewathana (1997b:477)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- SAM Holotype A6519
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 3303.6'S, 180.4'E, Atlantic Ocean
Rossia caroli Joubin, 1902a:138, figs 1-2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Neorossia caroli [fide Boletzky (1971:964)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MOM Holotype 29-5136 [fide Belloc (1950:4)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Azores
Sepiola chrysophtalmos Tilesius, 1813:79
Nomen nudum.
Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis dagamensis Robson, 1924a:11
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Heteroteuthis (Stephanoteuthis) dagamensis [fide Nesis (1987a:136)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes (2) 1924.9.9.49-50; one specimen missing [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:103)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Natal coast, South Africa
Sepiola desvigniana Gervais and Beneden, 1838:429
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MNHN? [not traced by Lu et al. (1995)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean, coast of Provence
Rossia pacifica diegensis Berry, 1912a:293, pls 42-43
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid subspecies [fide Unresolved]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Syntypes (7) 214376 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:13)]; CASIZ Syntypes (2) 021807 [fide Smith (1974:322)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- San Diego, California
Sepiola dispar Ruppell, 1844:133 [5]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Heteroteuthis dispar [fide Hoyle (1886:229)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes (2) 1845.9.8.3 [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:103); SMF Lectotype 26790 [fide Schafer (1938:81)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Messina, Sicily
Sepiola elegans Risso, 1854:10, pl 1 fig 2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Adam (1942:5)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Sandy regions [?Nice]
Rossia enigmatica Robson, 1924c:635, text-figs 20b, 21, 22, pl 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --?Austrorossia mastigophora (Chun, 1915) [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes (2) 1924.9.9.51-2 [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:103)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Cape Town, South Africa
Rossia (Semirossia) equalis Voss, 1950:73, fig 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Semirossia equalis [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 574599 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:6)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Pelican Shoal, Florida, Gulf of Mexico
Rossia glaucopis Loven, 1845:121
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Near Hammerfest, Norway
Sepiola grantiana Ferussac, 1835
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:231, Sepiole pl 2 figs 3-13
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); authorship and date from plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepiola rondeletii Leach, 1834 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant; "probably only from the figures of Grant" [fide Lu et al. (1995:317)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Stephanoteuthis hawaiiensis Berry, 1909:409, fig 2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis [fide Norman (2000:105)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 214311 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:14)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Kauai Island, Hawaiian Islands [fide Berry (1914b:319)]
Euprymna hoylei Adam, 1986:133
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nateewathana (1997b:472)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- WAM Holotype 465-65
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Sulu Archipelago, 431'N, 11922'E
Rossia hyatti Verrill, 1878a:208
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Rossia glaucopis Loven, 1845 (pars) [fide Voss (1956:103)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- YPM Syntypes 12260 and 12261 [fide S.S. Berry unpublished notes at NMNH]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Localities unresolved
Euprymna hyllebergi Nateewathana, 1997b:466, figs 2-5
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide; taxon not yet reviewed]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- PMBC Holotype 11728 [fide Nateewathana (1997b:466)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Andaman Sea, Thailand
Sepiola inioteuthis Naef, 1912c:268
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Inioteuthis japonica (Tiselius, 1845 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848) [fide Nesis (1987a:127)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MZUS? Syntypes (5) [Ortmann, 1888:647 pl 21 fig 6]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Tokyo Bay [Japan]
Sepiola intermedia Naef, 1912c:270, fig 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; SZN? Holotype
Stoloteuthis iris Berry, 1909:410, fig 3
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Iridoteuthis iris [fide Norman (2000:110)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 214312; specimen not extant [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:14)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Molokai Island, Hawaiian Islands
Rossia jacobii Ball, 1842:349
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Unresolved; obtained in 1840 from individual in Dublin; presumed to be from Dublin Bay
Sepiola japonica Tiselius, 1845
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:234
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101)]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Inioteuthis japonica [fide Nateewathana (1997b:477)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MNHN Type, specimen not extant [fide Lu et al. (1995:318)]; YPM? [fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
Neorossia caroli jeannae Nesis et al., 2001:51, fig 1a-d
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid subspecies [fide; taxon not yet reviewed]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- North of Falkland Island, approx. 4843’S, 5949’W
Sepiola knudseni Adam, 1984:157, figs 1-9
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Holotype [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:222)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 617'N, 327'E, Atlantic Ocean
Neorossia leptodons Reid, 1992:797, figs 14, 24-28
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide; taxon not yet reviewed]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMV Holotype F57504
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Great Australian Bight
Sepiola leucoptera Verrill, 1878b:378
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Stoloteuthis leucoptera [Norman (2000:114)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Syntype 729735 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:8)] and YPM Syntypes 12346y and 1240y
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Gulf of Maine, Atlantic Ocean
Sepiola ligulata Naef, 1912c:271, figs 1-2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; SZN? Holotype
Sepiola lineolata Quoy and Gaimard, 1832:82, pl 5 figs 8-13
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Sepioloidea lineolata [fide Norman and Reid (2000:35)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 1-7-263 [fide Lu et al. (1995:319)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Jervis Bay, New Holland [Australia]
Sepiola scandica macrocephala Fischer and Joubin, 1907:329, pl 24 figs 1-2
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 1-7-310 [fide Lu et al. (1995:320)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 3240'20"N, 1854'30"W
Rossia macrosoma D'Orbigny, 1839-1842
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:245, Sepiole pl 4 figs 13-24
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); taxon dated from plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Preoccupied by Sepiola macrosoma Chiaie, 1830
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 1-7-276 [fide Lu et al. (1995:320)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Naples, Italy
Sepiola macrosoma Chiaie, 1830 In 1823-1831: pl 71 figs 1-11
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Rossia macrosoma [fide Norman (2000:110)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MNHN? [other Chiaie types there; not traced by Lu et al. (1995)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Inioteuthis maculosa Goodrich, 1896:2, pl 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nateewathana, 1997b:474)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZSI Syntypes (2) M388/1[?one syntype]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Andaman Islands and Persian Gulf
Sepiola major Targioni-Tozzetti, 1869a:595
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepietta oweniana (D'Orbigny, 1839-1841 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848) [fide Borri et al. (1988)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MZUF Holotype N57 [fide Borri et al. (1988:24)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean Sea
Iridoteuthis maoria Dell, 1959:3, figs 3-6
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:123)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNZ Holotype M11179 [fide Marshall (1996:43)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Wellington, New Zealand
Rossia mastigophora Chun, 1915:405, pls 62-63
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Austrorossia mastigophora [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMB Lectotype Moll.-110020 [fide Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000:277)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 027'S, 4247'E, West Indian Ocean
Rossia megaptera Verrill, 1881 In 1880-1881:349, pl 38 fig 1, pl 46 fig 6
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:125)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- YPM Holotype [fide Unresolved]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off southern coast of Newfoundland
Sepietta minor Naef, 1912c:267, fig 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Rondeletiola minor [fide Naef (1916a:3)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Syntypes (about 40): ZMH Syntypes (2) 3850 [fide Guerrero-Kommritz (2001:172)]; NMSZ (4); SZN?
Rossia moelleri Steenstrup, 1856:198, pl 2 fig 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:123)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Holotype; specimen not extant [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:223)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Greenland waters
Rossia mollicella Sasaki, 1920:189, pl 25 fig 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 332833 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:9)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Kii Province (3325'45"N, 13533'E), Japan
Inioteuthis morsei Verrill, 1881 In 1880-1881:417
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Euprymna morsei [fide Okutani and Horita (1987:91)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- YPM Type 9683 [9638?] [fide G.L. Voss (pers. comm.)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Bay of Yeddo, Japan
Sepietta neglecta Naef, 1916a:9, figs 1b, 2b
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:128)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; SZN? Holotype
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Gulf of Naples, Mediterranean Sea
Stoloteuthis nipponensis Berry, 1911a:39, fig 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Sepiolina nipponensis [fide Naef (1912b:248)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- CASIZ Holotype 017976 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:15)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Suruga Bay, Japan
Sepietta obscura Naef, 1916a:4, figs 1a, 2a
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepietta petersi (Steenstrup, 1887) [fide Nesis (1987a:127)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; SZN? Holotype
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Naples and Trieste
Sepiola oweniana D'Orbigny, 1839-1841
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:229, Sepiole, pl 3 figs 1-5
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994:101); taxon dated from combination of pages and plate]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Sepietta oweniana [fide Norman (2000:111)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; specimen not extant [fide Lu et al. (1995:322)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Not designated
Rossia owenii Ball, 1842:349
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- “In a Dublin bay fishing-boat”
Rossia pacifica Berry, 1911c:591
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Okutani et al. (1987)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 214323; specimen not extant [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:16)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Behm Canal, Alaska
Sepiola pacifica Kirk, 1882:283
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Sepioloidea pacifica [fide Nesis (1987a:137)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNZ Neotype M12954 [fide Marshall (1996:43)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Wellington Harbor, New Zealand [fide Dell (1959:2)]
Rossia palpebrosa Owen, 1834:xciii, pls B, C
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:125)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Elwin Bay, Prince Regent’s Inlet [between Somerset Is. and Baffin Is., Canada]
Rossia panceri Targioni-Tozzetti, 1869b:231, pl 7 fig 7
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Rossia macrosoma (Chiaie, 1830) [fide Borri et al. (1988:23)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MZUF Holotype N38 [fide Borri et al. (1988:24)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Gulf of Naples, Mediterranean Sea
Rossia papillifera Jeffreys, 1869:246
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -– Undetermined; Nomen nudum [?]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1889.4.24.109 [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:104)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Shetland Islands
Inioteuthis parva Sasaki, 1914:595, pl 11 figs 9-10
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepiola parva Sasaki, 191[3] [fide Sasaki 1929:136)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MSUT[TIU] Syntypes (2) [fide Sasaki (1929:137)]
Sepiola parva Sasaki, 1913:252, fig 4
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Sasaki (1929:136)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MSUT[TIU] Syntypes (2) [fide Sasaki (1929:137)]
Rossia patagonica Smith, 1881:22, pl 3 figs 3-3a
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Semirossia patagonica [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Syntypes (3) 1879.10.15.263-5 [Lipinski et al. (2000:104)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Portland Bay, Trinidad Channel, Patagonia
Semirossia tenera patagonica Thore, 1959:16, fig 9
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; ZMUL? Syntypes (3)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Golfo de Ancud, Chile
Fidenas penares Gray, 1849:95
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Euprymna sp.? [fide Nesis (1987a:120)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1984128 [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:104)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Singapore
Sepiola petersii Steenstrup, 1887a:58
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Sepietta petersi [fide Nesis (1987a:127)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Syntypes (18) [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:223)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Trieste, Adriatic Sea
Sepiola pfefferi Grimpe, 1921b:4, figs 1-5
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species? [fide Nesis (1987a:128)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; ZMB? [species not traced in Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Flamborough Head, England
Euprymna phenax Voss, 1962a:171
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Voss (1963b)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 575328 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:11)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Naso Point, Panay, Philippine Islands [originally given as Nogas Point]
Nectoteuthis pourtalesi Verrill, 1883a:108, pl 3 fig 1
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:123)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 729734 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:11)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Barbados [1314'18"N, 5941'12"W]
Sepiola pusilla Pfeffer, 1884:7, fig 9
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Norman and Lu (1997)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Syntypes (6) 3845 + 3846 [fide Guerrero-Kommritz (2001:172)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Atlantic Ocean
Sepiola robusta Naef, 1912c:271, figs 1-2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; ZMH Syntypes (2) 3844 [fide Guerrero-Kommritz (2001:172)]; SZN?
Sepiola rondeletii Leach, 1834
In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848:230, Sepiole pls 1-3
[fide Tillier and Boucher-Rodoni (1994); taxon dated from plate 1]
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Types; specimens not extant [fide Lu et al. (1995:324)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean [fide Lu et al. (1995)]
Sepiola rossiaeformis Pfeffer, 1884:8, fig 10
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Holotype [species not traced in Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Postillon Island [Sabalana Island, 7S, 119E], Sunda Sea (vend. Putze) [see comments by Pfeffer (1912:56, bottom) concerning specimens purchased from Putze]
Sepiola scandica Steenstrup, 1887a:65
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepietta oweniana (D'Orbigny, 1839-1841 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848) [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Syntypes (2) [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:224)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Frederikshavn, Denmark and Faroes
Sepiola schneehagenii Pfeffer, 1884:7, fig 8
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Species dubium [fide Norman and Lu (1997:1127)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Syntypes (4) 3847 + 3848 [fide Guerrero-Kommritz (2001:172)]
Euprymna scolopes Berry, 1913b:564
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Norman (2000:98)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 214380 [fide Sweeney et al. (1988:17)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Molokai Island, Hawaiian Islands
Sepia sepiola Linne, 1758:659
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepiola rondeletii Leach, 1834 In Ferussac and D'Orbigny, 1834-1848 [see Hoyle (1910b:412)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; LS?
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Mediterranean
Heteroteuthis serventyi Allan, 1945:340, pl 27 figs 22-23
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; [fide Lu (1998b:512)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- AMS Holotype C126032 [fide Rudman (1983:67)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 35°07'S, 150°51'E [SE Australia]
Euprymna similis Sasaki, 1913:249, fig 2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Euprymna morsei (Verrill, 1881 In 1880-1881) [fide Sasaki (1929:146)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MSUT? Syntypes (2)
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Takashima, Hokkaido, Japan; Oshoro, Hokkaido, Japan
Euprymna similis Sasaki, 1914:591, pl 11 figs 5-8
Preoccupied by Euprymna similis Sasaki, 1913
Sepiola steenstrupiana Levy, 1912a:LVI
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Villafranca
Sepiola stenodactyla Grant, 1833b:85, figs 1-2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Euprymna stenodactyla [fide Voss (1963b:52)]; Unresolved species [fide Norman and Lu (1997:1128)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; type not at BMNH or Zool. Mus., U. London; considered lost [fide Norman and Lu (1997:1128)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Coast of Mauritius Island
Sepiola subalata Eydoux in Gervais and Beneden, 1838:423
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Undetermined; Loligo subalata? [fide Tryon (1879:144)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Type; type not extant [fide Lu et al. (1995:325)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Manila, Luzon
Rossia sublaevis Verrill, 1878a:209
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Rossia glaucopis Loven, 1845 [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Syntypes 576701 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:13)] and YPM Syntypes 12312y [fide S.S. Berry unpublished notes at NMNH]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Massachusetts Bay and off Halifax, Nova Scotia
Sepiola tasmanica Pfeffer, 1884:6, fig 7
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Euprymna tasmanica [fide Norman and Reid (2000:36)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMH Holotype 3849 [fide Guerrero-Kommritz (2001:172)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Bass-Strasse [Bass Strait, Australia] [fide Norman and Lu (1997:1135)]
Heteroteuthis tenera Verrill, 1880c:392
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Semirossia tenera [fide Steenstrup (1887b:90)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- YPM [fide Unresolved]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- New England
Sepiola tenera Naef, 1912c:269, figs 1-2
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Sepiola steenstrupiana Levy, 1912 [fide Nesis (1987a:132)]; [nomen nudum?]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; SZN? Holotype
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Villafranca
Rossia (Allorossia) tortugaensis Voss, 1956:103, fig 2e-h
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species; Rossia tortugaensis [fide Nesis (1987a:126)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 575144 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:13)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Dry Tortugas, Florida, Gulf of Mexico
Sepiola trirostrata Voss, 1962a:172
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Voss (1963b)]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Holotype 575329 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:13)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- Naso Point, Panay, Philippine Islands [originally given as Nogas Point]
Sepiola vulgaris Grant, 1833b:77, figs 3-13
Nomen nudum.
Heteroteuthis weberi Joubin, 1902b:401
CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid species [fide Unresolved]
TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MNHN Holotype 1-7-281 [fide Lu et al. (1995:327)]
TYPE LOCALITY. -- 7°35'04"S, 117°28'06"E [Indonesia]
Type Repositories
AMS- Australian Museum, P.O. Box A285, 6-8 College Street, Sydney South, New South Wales 2000, Australia. [For type catalogs see Rudman (1983); Sweeney et al. (1988) for S.S. Berry taxa]
BMNH-The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England (formerly British Museum (Natural History)). [For type catalog see Lipinski et al. (2000)]
CASIZ-California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 94118, U.S.A. [Smith (1974); Sweeney et al. (1988) for S.S. Berry taxa]
LS- Linnaean Society of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0LQ, England. [For type catalogs see Dodge (1953, 1959)]
MCZ- Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
MHNN-Museum d'Histoire Naturelle (Muse Barla), 60 bis blvd Risso, 06300 Nice, France.
MNHN-Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire Biologie Invertebres Marins et Malacologie, 55, rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris 05, France. [For type catalog see Lu et al. (1995)]
MOM- Muse Ocanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin, Monaco-Ville, MC 98000, Monaco. [For type catalog see Belloc (1950)]
MSUT-University Museum, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyoku, Tokyo 113, Japan (includes former Tokyo Imperial University (TIU) collection and University of Tokyo Department of Fisheries (FUMT) collection).
MZUF-Museo Zoologico de la Specola, Universita di Firenze, Via Romana 17, 50125 Firenze, Italy. [For type catalog see Borri et al. (1988)]
MZUS-Muse Zoologique, Universite Louis Pasteur & de la Ville de Strasbourg, 29 Boulevard de la Victoire, F67000 Strasbourg, France. [See Johnson (1977) for Ortmann types]
NMNH-National Museum of Natural History, 10th & Constitution Avenue, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. (formerly USNM). [For type catalogs see Roper and Sweeney (1978); Sweeney et al. (1988)]
NMNZ-National Museum of New Zealand, P.O. Box 467, Wellington, New Zealand (formerly Colonial Museum; Dominion Museum). [For type catalog see Marshall (1996)]
NMSZ-National Museum of Scotland, Zoology Department, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH1 1JF, Scotland (formerly Royal Museum of Scotland; formerly Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh). [For type catalog see Smaldon et al. (1976)]
NMV- Museum of Victoria, 285-321 Russell Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia (formerly National Museum of Victoria). [For type catalog see Lu (1983)]
PMBC-Phuket Marine Biological Center, P.O. Box 60, Phuket 83000, Thailand.
SAM- South African Museum, Government Avenue, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town 8000, South Africa.
SZN- Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, Villa Comunale, 80121 Naples, Italy.
WAM- Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000, Australia. [For type catalog see Slack-Smith (1983)]
YPM- Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 170 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520, U.S.A.
ZMB- Zoologisches Museum, Museum fr Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat, Invalidenstrasse 43, D-1040 Berlin, Germany. [For type catalog see Glaubrecht and Salcedo-Vargas (2000)]
ZMH- Zoologisches Museum, Universitat Hamburg, Martin Luther King Platz 3, 2000 Hamburg 13, Germany. [For type catalog see Guerrero-Kommritz (2001)]
ZMMGU-Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, u1. Gensena 6, Moscow, Russia. [For type catalog Ivanov and Sysoev (2000)]
ZMUC-Kobenhavns Universitet, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. [For type catalog see Kristensen and Knudsen (1983); See also Volsoe et al. (1962) for Steenstrup papers]
ZMUL-Lund Universitet, Zoologiska Museet, S-221-01 Lund, Sweden.
ZSI- Zoological Survey of India, "M" Block, New Alipore, Calcutta 700053, India. [For type catalog see Thomson (In prep.)]